logo design

5 Tips and Tricks: How to Design an Attractive Logo

Graphical presentation of information has become important to survive in today’s virtual and business world. The logo and brand of a company have a greater influence on consumer behavior. This science of graphics and designing has dramatically changed the business patterns. Marketing, advertisement, and publicity are now more effective tools to grab a consumer market in today’s digital world. For this, to work a sophisticated part of a business’ budget is appropriated for advertisement and visualization of the company’s goods and services. The business logo is one of the most important parts of this whole scenario. A company logo is one of the best instruments to capture maximum consumers.

What is a Logo?

A logo can be defined as:

“An image which is designed to define a company’s brand”


“An image which represents the whole company”


Both in a traditional business and a digital marketplace PK logo designer is a potential source to influence a customer to make a purchase decision. From a pencil making company to a luxury car manufacturing industry and form Apple to Puma, marketing and advertisement policies are vitally important for impressive work of logo experts for strengthening the bond between the company and customer. An attractive logo is a multifunctional tool for any industry. Once, a brand is succeeded in establishing a strong consumer base and customer loyalty, the business generation is upgraded into an automation process. Resultantly, business development becomes easier and more accessible and smoother. In this article, we bring for you 5 tips and tricks to design an attractive logo from the logo designer.


1. Logo Designer Advice to Make Sure a Strong Relevance of Logo with Business

Every successful logo is representative of the whole company or the definition of the brand. In other words, it portrays a graphical image of the business or brand in the shortest manner. So, a logo must define the company in itself. The relationship of a logo with an industry name and the nature of the business that industry maintains are the added values in it. There are many examples in today’s business world where leading businesses across the world, including multinational corporations, are doing business. Their businesses are perfectly defining by their logo. A leopard in the logo of Leopard Courier is the best case in point to define. The leopard is known for its unmatched speed and strong determination towards the target.


2. Uniqueness is the Cornerstone of Logo Designer’s Work

A logo is eye-catching and attention-grabbing if it is unique in its design, presentation, and message. Logo designer PK is of the opinion that a logo is of equal importance to business marketing and advertisement campaign. A professional logo designer knows the art of designing a unique and creative logo for a certain business that helps increase the consumer base. On every purchase there takes place a latent transformation of an impact on the consumer’s mind. And this influences the purchase decision of the customer. Resultantly, a successful logo paves the way for business growth. The art of logo designing can best be defined as ‘the more a logo is creatively designed the stronger is the impact on the customer’s choice.’


3. Logo Designer Recommends a Thorough Research of the Target Business 

Research has become an endemic part of today’s business. Every business activity requires a thorough study and research to survive market forces of demand and supply. Hence, it is more important for a logo designer to understand the nature of the business and the relative business market and its competitors before designing its business logo. So, comprehensive research of several elements like nature of the business, types of services the company provides or goods it produces, the likes and dislikes of the target customers, and company background or history, are prerequisites for a logo designer. The total sum of all this information will provide enough content to designers to come up with better ideas and options for the desired logo design.


4. Logo Designer Always Suggest that a Logo Should Leave a Memorable Impact on the Mind of Target Audience

A logo is consider successful if it effectively leaves a memorable impact on the memory of the consumer. Though for some logo designers, this point is not as much important as it should be, it has a magical impact on consumer behavior. Creativity is the key to effective logo designing. Hence, creative ideas in the logo can be a source to deliver on this point that has the potential to hook the attention and leave a lasting impact on the mind of the consumer, who comes in contact with the company for the first time. The more the logo is creative and innovative the better it fits in the memory of the client.


5. Simplicity is the Key of Logo Designer’s Work 

People of this digitally advanced world love simple things, ideas, designs, graphics, and patterns. Google, Facebook, and Apple are the best cases in point. Light colors with very simple font styles and designs are the hallmark of their logo designing strategies. Otherwise, gone were the days when simplicity was not the priority. Instead, ultra-decorated designs and bold and contrasting colors were the dominant trends in advertisement and marketing practices of businesses. However, time has changed now. The general populace recognizes and appreciates simplicity and artistic designs and business advertisement and marketing campaigns.

One can easily notice that majority of the giant and multinational corporations promote their businesses via simple logo designs. Besides, most of the time, we observe the use of fewer colors with a very limited variety of font styles in their logos. These are conspicuous features that are the source of attraction and interest towards a business. Moreover, people behave with more admiration for these simple ideas and logo designs. So, the simpler the logo design the higher the company or brand loyalty.

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